Kick-Off to Organization 101
Hi all,
How have you been? I took some time off both from my job and the blog, and unplugged and organized! I decided to organize our home in a week! Yes, an organized home in 7 days. I promise to share how I tackled that challenge. But before I get to that, I am excited to share that I will be posting a series that I am calling Organization 101. I will share my journey and all of the tips, tricks, strategies and resources that have helped me lead a calmer, more productive life and have a home and homelife that the entire family enjoys.
Here are topics to look for in the coming days:
The Sunday’s Bread organization journey
Top organization blogs, books and TV shows
Getting started when your home is a mess
Why your past matters for your organization style
What motivates you to organize?
How organization is like weight loss
Why it is OK to keep some stuff (at least for now!)
The organization pass system and how it will help you minimize
Daily routines that help you maintain an organized home
Trigger points to watch out for that will sabotage your organization progress
How to make money selling your stuff (and where to sell it)
How our consumable “Stuff” culture has made it so hard to get and stay organized
And probably more! My goal is to share all of the tips, tricks and how to’s that I have learned through the years to make YOUR home and life as organized as you want it to be.
So stay tuned folks. And, before I begin, you may just want to check out The Home Edit on Netflix to get excited about having an organized home.