5 Steps to Declutter & Organize Any Space
Welcome to 5 steps to declutter & organize any space in your home.
Why organize and declutter any space in your home? For starters, if you are like me you have a certain vision for your home. And, let’s just say this vision is not full of clutter, chaos and spending hours looking for lost items.
So this post is exactly how to approach how to organize & declutter pretty much any space – from a small drawer to an entire garage. But before I get to that I have a confession. I am not a naturally organized person. I am a clean person (phew let’s just get that out there).
If you work with me, you would see I have had a messy office. As a new mom (and a more seasoned mom) I never could get a handle on toy, clothes, you name it clutter and mess. My own mother called me Messy Mimi when I was a kid (back then they did not sugarcoat it!). Honestly once I had my own home, I did not know how to declutter or organize in any meaningful and permanent way. I did not understand that similar to an exercise program – organization has to be an ongoing effort.
So I started where you may be at – trying to organize our home where you feel comfortable and relaxed and maybe don’t spend an hour looking for that permission slip/favorite sweater/fill in the blank.
Sound familiar? Sound like you could use some help? Here are my recommended 5 steps to declutter and organize any space. Trust me. If a naturally messy person like me can do it. You can too.
Declutter and Organize
Will share some photos of before and afters…and in-betweens too. To get you started, check out this before of the contents of the utility closet in the laundry room…a mix of vacuums, plastic bags, cleaning supplies, rags…you name it…I followed the steps below (and the after picture is at the end!).

Remove everything
- Take everything out of the space you are trying to organize (see photo above). Ugh. Really? Yes. Trust me. This is a key step. If you have a large space like a basement you could do this in sections. The only way to see what you have is to take it all out. Go ahead. You can do it.
- Set up three areas and designate them as: Keep. Discard. Give away.
- Sort your stuff into those three categories. So, I have never sorted items from a disorganized space and not found the following to happen:
- You will find things you thought you had lost
- It is likely you will find spare change or even dollars (I found $200 my mom had given me!)
- You will realize you have stuff that you do not need and will be able to either give it away or sell it.
Evaluate + Organize
- Assess the items you wish to keep and then think about how to store them. A few storage tips:
- Vertical storage is generally the best use of space. So think up. Could you put a multi-tiered shelf in that space?
- Break larger storage spaces into smaller. So if you have a shelf then measure to put smaller storage containers into it.
- Think about ways to minimize visual clutter. Instead of stacking school and office supplies buy some decorative boxes and then mark what is in each (see blog image for an example of inexpensive boxes from Ikea). Which leads me to….
- LABEL, LABEL, LABEL Why am I shouting that? Because as a naturally messy person labeling keeps me honest. I also often start out with the best of intentions on how I am going to store an item but then promptly forget a few weeks later. Labeling also lets others in your home understand where an item goes. This is even helpful for young kids and toys and any babysitters or others who may not understand your in your head organizing system.
- I plan on a longer post just on labeling (yes it is that important). In the meantime, think about having some fun with labeling (fun?). Yes fun (maybe not like going to Disney or your favorite wine bar fun but fun in a creative, getting things done kind of way). Avery labels makes some pre-designed labels that you can print yourself or you can even buy pre-printed on Amazon. Avery has a great blog to check out for inspiration. More to come on labeling!
So now for the good part – here is the after of my utility closet after I followed five steps to organize and declutter any space.
Years later I still have it organized and only need to do a simple refresh every once in awhile to remove cleaning product bottles that are basically finished.
Do you have any tips to share?